zondag 11 november 2012

it still stings a little

I was out in my hometown with friends. and my boyfriend was there too and it was all pretty fun, i was drunk and stuff.. and then I saw the guy that took advantage of me a long while ago. can’t believe how I still haven’t gotten over it. tbh I feel like everyone just thinks of it as, not important. while tbh it has taken over my life before.. from everything I’ve gone through.. if I could change one thing.. that would probably be it. that guy ruined me.. and he doesn’t even know it. so I had a little panic attack yesterday night and nobody noticed. well arthur did but.. well he didn’t want me to panic so he tried to be real calm about it, which made me feel like he didn’t care. which he did but I was drunk ya know. anyways. I’m so stressed about it that I had to make a post about it. so there. I’m a total wreck about this. 

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